Does Yoga Help With Depression?
Depression affects a large population and can range in severity. There are many different forms of depression and symptoms are represented uniquely in many individuals. Depression is one of the most prevalent psychopathologies. Depression can be chronic or short term and event based. Depression shares common symptoms with anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder. Treatment of depression varies and should include a careful examination of patient history by a licensed physician. When combined with a treatment plan, yoga can help with depression. Yoga focuses on breathing and meditation which can be helpful in relieving the symptoms of anxiety related with depression. Yoga encourages circulation and physical well being. Often times, depressed individuals are also experiencing other health issues related to physical discomfort and lack of exercise. Increased physical activity and circulation can be helpful for physical well being. Depression often times stems from a lack of interest in activities usually found enjoyable. Regaining interest in activities or establishing new interest in activities is helpful in aiding with the symptoms of depression.
Finding Enjoyment in Life
Yoga is an enjoyable activity for most people. Maintaining interest in healthy activities is a crucial aspect of depression treatment. Yoga is a healthy activity because it promotes physical well being, positive self awareness and inner peace. Yoga also improves physical well being. With regular yoga practice, flexibility and strength can improve. Patients diagnosed with clinical depression often feel general weakness. Regular exercise is often recommended as it encourages strength. Yoga can be specifically beneficial for depression because it combines meditation and positive body image. While depression is often mentally painful, physical pain is also a symptom of depression, that is why many people often find yoga helpful in relieving the pain associated with depression. Depression is prevalent and can happen to anyone. Seeking a treatment plan from a professional is the first step.
Yoga is a fitness that incorporates strength and flexibility and promotes meditation, self awareness and positive body image. Yoga can be helpful for depressed individuals and should be incorporated with a comprehensive treatment plan. Since depression is highly associated with loss of interest in activities, trying new activities and maintaining a level of commitment to activities found enjoyable provides an essential relief to depression. As a new or continued activity, yoga serves as a positive and healthy option for depressed individuals. Throughout yoga, mind and body awareness is encouraged, which promotes positive self body image. Often times, yoga instructors focus on positive thinking exercises that can be beneficial for depressed individuals. Yoga instructors also focus highly on a decrease of stress as this can improve position form and is essential to the practice of yoga.
Stress reduction applies not only to depression but also to anxiety, the second most common comorbid disorder to depression. Combatting both of these key aspects of stressful thought-processing through a combination of physical movement and cognitive stress reduction exercises through yoga can help. While yoga alone is not a solution depression, when combined with a comprehensive treatment plan it can be helpful. Those with depression should remember that there is always hope and seek help.