Does Yoga Lower Blood Pressure?
High blood pressure (HBP), or hypertension, is a major concern for adults, especially in America. 1 in every 3 American adults has hypertension, and children aren’t safe from it either! Hypertension significantly increases a person’s chance of heart disease and stroke — the first and third leading causes of death in the US. Considering the risk, it’s no wonder that hypertension is called “The Silent Killer.”
What is Hypertension?
How does it work? First, understanding the causes of hypertension is vital. While the exact causes are unknown, there are several factors that medical professionals believe have a major influence on hypertension: smoking, obesity, lack of exercise, excess salt, excess alcohol, stress, age, genes and even some medical conditions, such as kidney disease or thyroid disorders. While there’s only so much we can do about our age and our genes, there are ways to reduce your risk by paying attention to some of the other factors — and yoga can actually address several!
Does Yoga Lower Blood Pressure?
So how can you use yoga to lower blood pressure? Yoga promotes relaxation of the mind and body, and offers a form of exercise as well! The American Heart Association recommends exercise, stress management and weight management to prevent hypertension, all of which are common uses of yoga. In fact, the Mayo Clinic lists the reduction of hypertension risk as one of the many health benefits of yoga. By performing yoga and lowering your blood pressure, you are simultaneously decreasing your risk for heart disease and stroke.