Yoga Pose Dedicated to the Sage Marichi I

Marichyasana I

Yoga Pose Dedicated to the Sage Marichi I

Yoga Pose Dedicated to the Sage Marichi I is a seated pose that targets the shoulders and quads and is ideal for yogis and yoginis at an intermediate level.

svadisthana – the sacral chakra
related poses



How To Do Yoga Pose Dedicated to the Sage Marichi I
  1. Begin by entering the Staff Pose (Dandasana), with your legs flat on the ground outstretched in front of you. Bend your left knee and bring your foot as close to your sitting bone as you can. Make sure your foot remains flat on the ground.
  2. Exhale and begin to fold forward. As you do so, reach your left arm forward, while keeping it inside of your bent left knee. Twist your left arm so that your palm is facing out to the left.
    Hook your left arm around your left knee and thigh so that your hand is resting on our lower thigh or back.
  3. Hook your right arm around the right side of your back and grasp your right wrist with your left hand. fold your torso forward towards your right leg as far as is comfortable.
  4. Hold for 30 seconds to a minute. Repeat with opposite side.
  • Breathe deeply through each step.
  • If you have lower back problems, do not bend too far forward and consult an instructor or doctor before attempting this pose.
If you cannot reach your right wrist with your left hand, use a yoga strap to connect them.
If you’re having trouble moving your left foot close to your sitting bone, use your right hand to position it when you are bending forward before you hook your arms back.
Stretches & Strengthens

All Muscles: Shoulders, spine, hips, quads, hamstrings, groins
Target Muscles: Shoulders, quads

Health Benefits of Yoga Pose Dedicated to the Sage Marichi I
  • Stimulates the inner organs and aids digestion.
  • May relieve stress and anxiety.

Sanskrit Name & Meaning

Sanskrit Name & Meaning



Marichi: a son of Brahma; ray of light, starlight
asana: posture

History & Mythology

History & Mythology

Sage Marichi was a son of Brahma, the Hindu god of creation. After Brahma created the world, he made ten sons from his mind to govern over the land and start procreating. One of those sons was Marichi. Marichi was father to Kashypapa (the Lord of the Creatures), grandfather to Surya (the sun god and giver of life), and great-grandfather to Manu (the father of humanity). There are several different poses associated with Marichi.
We are constantly researching to find more information about the history and mythology behind each pose. If you have any further information, we’d love to hear from you.